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Personal Coaching

I build my coaching to offer some things that are hard to find. Although I offer normal office hours, I also know that it is difficult to find someone to work with after hours. So many therapists and coaches are only available 9-5 and people have to work. Also, the average therapy session will cost from $100-150 or more for an hour. There are online services that do offer some help through video or audio or email and I spoke with people that tried them. Those run $300-$400/month and you are assigned a person to work with. My goal is to offer something that is flexible and as affordable as I can make it and you know who you’re working with.

What I do is a lot like talk therapy as I am an IACC certified coach. Coaching is about creating awareness, having transformative discussions, creating specific goals and accountability to work toward something better. Coaching is more forward focused than therapy typically is. With that said, I realize that the past informs our present which informs our future and we do need to talk about it. You will be helped to work through some of this at your own pace in a supportive environment. The good news is that I have done a lot of this work myself. I too am a cult survivor. I can speak to things and ask questions about things that a therapist may not know to ask as they haven’t been there.

Typical therapy in-person locally costs $150+.
Online companies cost $100+.
I charge just $50/hr for professional coaching.*

Reach Out For Help Below

NOTE: Due to the high volume of interest and all of the referrals that are so very appreciated over time, I now have a waiting list for those that would like to work with me on a regular basis. Be sure to sign up below to be notified of openings as they pop up over time and you will be emailed when a specific day and time comes open on a regular basis along with everyone else and if that day and time would work for you going forward you will have the opportunity to grab that spot.

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* indicates required

No banker’s hours here, I realize that people often work during the day and that finding professional help can be an issue after hours. So when I have openings they can be during the morning, early afternoon, or evening to fit different time zones.I prefer that people pick daytime hours during the week if possible to save evenings for those that absolutely must have them but I work with schedules as much as I can. 

The first goal is to set some objectives as to what you want your outcomes to look like. Then we have to look at where you are today and what gets in the way. Sometimes it is things from our past that get in the way. Sometimes it is simply something in our personality, somewhere that we need to grow personally, or maybe even an external influence that is holding us back. We’ll talk about a lot of concepts throughout this journey and figure out the best path for you to get from where you are today to where you want to be. You’ll have me with you throughout the process so that you don’t have to go it alone. Few paths are linear, they all zig zag and goals just give us a direction to go in the journey.

What Coaching Can Do For You

If you want to heal, you first have to stop doing the things that keep injuring you.

That’s such a simple thought. I had a back problem that I had been trying to heal for over a year. I was going to work in our cleaning business each day and injuring it. It often felt worse but I kept saying to myself “it will get better”, over and over again. Sometimes little nagging things physically are just a blip on the radar and they do go away or work themselves out. However, this wasn’t one of those. It didn’t go away, in fact it got worse. Sometimes such is the nature of hope. We either get comfortable in our pain or start seeing what is in front of us through a lens of hope that is deferred and we chase a carrot that we’re dangling in front of ourselves and can never reach.

I’m saying this because we all have things we do that hurt us. We want to heal but we keep doing things or putting ourselves in situations where we are re-injured. You cannot heal while you keep hurting yourself whether it’s physical or relational or emotional or mental.

But how do you know what things are causing the injury? What if you know on some level but don’t think you can change? Could you be comfortable in the pain you know and be letting fear keep you stuck because the other side is an unknown?

I know what it means to stop doing things that cause injury. I took steps when suicidal and at my lowest point in life to find something better. I left a cult even though I knew it would cost me my family and everyone I knew. I’ve taken the steps to lose 50 pounds and to leave the depressed and heavy me behind. I’ve taken the steps to get out of $58,000 in debt.

I know how to do these things. It isn’t easy, but it has been worth it every time. It instills confidence in me that I can adjust again when needed in the future. Overcoming situations where we feel stuck is a skill that can be developed and breeds confidence for future situations. The only constant in life is change. It will come. Will you be ready?

These are the things I help people deal with through coaching. Coaching is about having someone in your corner that will help you see what you’re doing that might be getting you things that you don’t want. Coaching helps you to find the things that you actually do want. It’s about setting small steps to help you get there. It might need to be about clarifying and processing the past so that you can drop the anchor that keeps you stuck. It might be about needing someone to keep you encouraged and motivated and accountable. It might be just knowing that you don’t have to go it alone and having someone to bounce ideas off of, or to have long held ways of seeing or doing things challenged. Some of my biggest wins in life were just getting a new perspective, a new lens with which to see something, someone else, or myself. That last one is often the biggest cause of our problems in life, how we see ourselves.

So if you are tired of doing this alone, or if you’re tired of getting hurt, or if you just want something better, please reach out.

What are you struggling with? Or what just isn’t optimal or what you had hoped? Maybe we can work together and help you to see where you could stop injuring yourself. We all need that help. We trick ourselves into thinking that if we keep going down this path it will just magically get better someday. We deny the pain or feel like we can take it so why change. Life doesn’t have to be like that.

Is the life you’re living worth the price you’re paying?