Is the life you’re living worth the price you’re paying?


The above is a question that I ultimately had to ask myself, one of many questions that changed my entire life. Questions create awareness, they challenge long held ways of seeing the world, and they effect change. My goal is to have transformative conversations with people that are feeling stuck in life. I had to wake up to the fact that I was stuck in a cult and take action that would result in freedom at a great price. Freedom is never free, but it is worth it. I want to help others find the freedom and happiness that I have in life.

My Projects

I am dedicated to helping people through my work in various capacities. Feel free to explore what I do and see or hear me in action. Then reach out and let’s work together toward something better. 

Let’s DO Something

Every day that passes where we let the status quo entrench itself into our lives and psyche is a lost opportunity to grow and find something better. Let’s DO Something!

Individual Coaching

Life is tough to navigate by yourself. It helps to have someone to bounce ideas off of, to help you work through challenges, to give you hope and help you see your way through dark times and to celebrate the times when you shine.

Group Coaching

There is inherent wisdom in a group of people that are facing similar challenges in life. People learn from one another in guided discussions on challenging topics. Let’s explore shared challenges and grow together.

Business Coaching

A business is a reflection of the people in it. Strong teams are made of strong team members. We can work together on strengthening individuals, or creating plans to focus on quality human driven marketing interactions in order to grow.

Let’s Talk

Feel free to reach out and let’s see how we can work together toward something better in your personal life or business. If you would like me to speak at an event or work together in some other way, message me here and let’s talk.